The Flanders Issue


Autumn / Winter 2023-2024

Flanders unfolds like a masterpiece in itself, a canvas painted with history, culture, and an undying passion for the arts. This charming region, situated in the northern part of Belgium, is a realm where past and present seamlessly coalesce, creating an enchanting tapestry of life. From the cobblestone streets of Bruges to the vibrant cityscape of Antwerp, Flanders invites you to explore a land that resonates with the echoes of bygone eras while exuding the vibrant spirit of contemporary creativity.

We are excited to present this region and to discover a place that is not only for the great Masters of Flemish painting but for new creatives and artists who are drawing a totally contemporary panorama and that we are very happy to celebrate.
We present you our 15th issue, a more artistic issue, more fashionable than ever and with a romantic air.


Pieter Jennes

Pieter is a very special artist born in 1990 in Mortsel, Belgium, where he actually lives and works.Graduated in fine arts from The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, in 2013 and earned a post graduated degree in curatorial studies from The Royal Academy of Fine Arts & University of Gent in 2014.

He is an artist without rules, with no limits in its life and its art. Full of fun and colors, Pieter can paint anywhere, like his life expression. His art covers and combines both painting and sculpture. His works explores and reflects themes of representation and becoming, inclusion and exclusion, with humor that comes represented by the vibrant and light colors he uses, the textures and the patterns.

The artworld it’s his safe place where he can create his own rules, something as a theatrical site of ambiguity where he represents and re-evaluates daily experiences.

The Amber Six

A milestone for the World Fashion Scene

The Antwerp Six is a group of six fashion design students from the University of Fine Arts in Antwerp. They were all from the same class, and after finishing their training they wanted to embark on their future and decided to rent a lorry, put all their clothes in it and set off for London to exhibit their collections at the British Designer Show in 1986.

Discover this interesting article wroted by JesĂșs LĂłpez Bornes

Exclusive Fashion Editorial

MM6 Margiela

Photographed by Hector Tee

A Belgian designer, known worldwide in the fashion industry. He was born in Leuven (Belgium) in 1957 and studied fashion design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp in 1980. He graduated in the class of the Antwerp Six, but did not go to London, so he is not considered to be one of the Antwerp Six. However, being of the same generation, many media introduce him by renaming the group: “Antwerp Six + 1”.