Don’t Walk Away

Photographed by

Don’t Walk Away transcends mere fashion; it’s an exploration of hidden elegance. In Madrid’s streets, a model gracefully navigates, guided by a mysterious remote. Every step, every gesture, choreographed with the intangible.

Our editorial pays homage to the symmetry concealed in our surroundings. We delve into the convergence of the tangible and the ethereal, challenging perception and redefining luxury. Madrid is our canvas, a city breathing its own poetry of lines and forms.

Don’t Walk Away is an ode to contemplation, an invitation to see beyond the obvious. With each image, we capture the essence of an elegance that transcends time and space. We are storytellers of the interplay between beauty and the intangible, between the model and the void.

Join us on this journey, where fashion becomes a harmonious dance between the seen and the unseen. Together, we unravel the symphonic threads

ART DIRECTION | Nat Abad @natabad
PRODUCTION | Abad Studio @abad_studio
PH | Agustina Malva @agustina_malva
FILM | Mora Fredriks @thealtermora

STYLING | Edgar López Dávila @edgarld07
ASSIST | Blanca de Bonrostro @blanbonrostro
MAKEUP | Victoria Bauzada @victoriabauzada
BTS CONTENT | Oriana Duran @orianadduran
GRAPHIC DESIGN | Valentina Catalano @valencls

MODEL | Nathalia Novas @nathalia__novas
REPRESENTED BY View Management | @viewmanagement

Featuring brands: ARKET, Burberry, Ernesto Naranjo, Bimba & Lola, Carhatt, Tommy Hilfiger, Gant, Lebor Gabala & Bottega Veneta

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